Cold Steel, what does it mean to you?
I don't see it.
okay, this is pretty weird.
is it really supernatural?
or is it just my imagination?.
Cold Steel, what does it mean to you?
I don't see it.
i rarely watch fox news.
but i do read the drudge report every day.
on drudge, there are tons of newspaper links which i typically read from..
National Enquirer.
Fox News. Fair and Balanced.
i will give them a. heart to know me, that.
figs: i will give them a heart to know me, that i. am jehovah; and they must become my people.
give them a heart to know him.
Great comments Blondie.
Surely one of the Bethel writers was playing a joke with this article. "Hey let's see how many times we can reference circumcision and foreskins in this article".
i know jehovah created all life through his son jesus, recenttly i have been reading about different races of et beings visiting our planet and claiming to be a form of us from the future, i,m just wondering can anyone tell me if there is any scriptural refrences to these beings..
quinn777, welcome to the forum.
I'm a little perplexed at your question about what JWs believe. Have you ever been a JW? What is your background with JWs?
My belief about life in the universe is that it's very likely there is another hospitable planet that exists in orbit around a star that provides optimum conditions for life to develop. As to how developed that life may be, I'm humble enough to admit that I simply don't know.
As far as the Earth being visited by alien races, I'm pretty skeptical about that particular topic. There doesn't appear to be much credible evidence that points to that being a likely scenario.
beck compared mayor bloomberg to hitler..
my favorite reaction (2010):.
Good old Glenn Beck..... running moderates out of the Republican Party since 2009.
there is are obvious "elephant in the living room" questions that the liberal media doesn't want to address.
assault weapons supplied to drug cartels who use them to kill our own agents.. our government is driven not by honest leadership that the people expect.
it is driven by pure political manipulation that has one purpose - cover the criminal incompetence of the obama administration.. this is posted under news & world events, where it belongs.
I'm not sure I see the connection you're making.
What does Benghazi have to do with Boston?
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[endif]hello all,.
my wife and i are atheists, raised and living as jehovah's witnesses.
The Watchtower teaches that the babies brutally murdered at Armageddon will not be resurrected and given the opportunity to worship Jehovah in a paradise earth. Yet people who were gross sinners, even murders, who died before Armageddon will be resurrected. Ask her to explain the logic behind that teaching.
Ask your mother if she would kill babies if Jehovah commanded it, or if she would refuse based on her morals. That should get her thinking at least a tiny bit.
She's probably prepared to defend the killing of babies in the OT, and therefore might be caught off guard by a question about baby killing at Armageddon.
They're great at not actually answering difficult questions, so you'll have to circle back to these tough questions in order to get a direct answer.
you know those articles from the wt are coming, along with emails from jw friends and family.
all the shameless self-attaboys, and fictitious observations by non-jws remarking on how jws provided the most and best assistance to the victims..
I recently had a JW tell me that they were "the first ones there" at Newtown. Shameless self-promotion. How on earth would someone even verify that?
So let's get this straight, they won't perform any real charity, but whenever a disaster or tragic event happens they come running in with their pamphlets.
i fully realize the revisionist history about 1919 and it has been well documented.. but what i took out of the first article about the chain of events during the great tribulation makes sense and is encouraging.. i could never understand that after doing nothing for 2000 years jehovah a god of love would wipe out 8 billion men ,women and children without given a genuine chance.
so what happens, the u.n. goes after organized religion [do'nt ask me how] then jesus starts judging.. does'nt the bible say that all who call on the name of jehovah will be saved?
so people will have a clearcut path to choose, either put their trust in god or the nations.
does'nt the bible say that all who call on the name of Jehovah will be saved?
No it doesn't, and you can verify this on your own with the Kingdom Interlinear Translation.
i don't really know what to say i'm a bit nervous.
but i am new here and i want to say thank you all for these forums and the many contributions people have made.. for about 9 months i been frequenting here and other places on the net while i have undergone an in depth bible analysis.
after finding that my bible is not consistant with the more favorable options of translating greek words especially in key doctinal areas, i have concluded the great unlikelyhood of jehovah's witnesses having god's blessing and approval.. not just that though.
What now? Live a good life, treat others will love and respect.
Take a moment to let your loved ones know how much they mean to you.
Smile more, judge less, and never underestimate the power of random acts of kindness.